Saturday, November 23, 2013

House The Homeless, Inc. Austin, TX


Thursday, April 19, 2012

House The Homeless, Inc. Austin, TX

Solutions For Homelessness In The New Millennium

(A Four Part Series)

Open letter to the Citizens of North America:

Series One

Economic Cleansing- A Basis For Creating A Protected Class

The collective approach that our country has taken toward our nation's poor over the past two decades has resulted in a national policy of Economic Cleansing. HOUSE THE HOMELESS, INC., is calling for the repeal of all homeless "no camping" ordinances not just in the city of Austin, Texas but in all cities across America. In recent years, out of frustration from the inability to solve the homeless problem, elected officials with the urging of the business communities have passed local no-camping laws around the country. Many cities passed laws making it illegal to sleep in public or even in your own car; even if you'd lost your home and all your worldly belongings. These restrictive laws have been passed always with a promise of being part of a bigger solution yet to come. But, like waiting for Godot, the bigger solutions have never materialized. Instead, the laws have been selectively enforced...not against travelers sleeping in airports or bus terminals but against the homeless individual falling asleep in an exhausted heap at a bus stop or in the doorway of an abandoned building. They've been enforced not against the entertainers traveling in their converted trailway buses but against the single mother sleeping with her two children clinging to their last worldly possession (their car). They've been enforced not against the students camping out for weeks seeking Star Wars tickets....but rather against weary foot soldiers of the new labor wars where unskilled men can only get fifty cents on the dollar for the hardest of back breaking jobs.

Presently, the plan around the country seems to be to enhance aspects (if not all) of the "quality of life" ordinances and laws. For example, repeat public intoxification offenders in Austin, Tx are now subject to enhanced penalties that have rocketed from $220.00 fines to $2,000.00 and from two days in jail to six months in jail. What a cruel, sick joke it is to characterize these laws designed to repress the homeless like the "no camping" laws as "quality of life" issues.

The question remains, who are these people that we call homeless who seem to exist now in huge numbers and yet did not seem to exist until the 1970's? Well, one-third are Vietnam Veterans who returned from the war and found themselves to be outcasts both by the general public and by the Veteran's Administration. One-fourth or more are folks with mental health problems from when our country collectively closed mental health institutions and offered them a more creative form of housing and health is called outpatient health care while living on the streets of America.

Additionally, I can remember a time when only one parent had to work to keep a family together financially. Inflation and economic pressures have resulted in a record number of divorces of our poorest and hardest working families. And, angry latch-key kids have now become angry homeless youths.

But the greatest single contributor to homelessness was the retraction by 75% of our nation's housing dollars for our poorest citizens. We have withdrawn 80 billion dollars each year for the past fifteen years and replaced our highrise ghettos with low life "living" on the streets of America. Today, local housing waiting lists reach into the thousands. They span years of time and don't even reflect the tens of thousands of folks that have given up hope.

Now that we have the poorest-of-the-poor corralled on our streets, we are passing one punitive law after another to finish the task of Economic Cleansing. We are passing laws to make their very existence, that of even sleeping on our streets, illegal. And, with the new rush to enhance "quality of life" laws, we are about to house them full time and for the long term in our new, for-profit prisons; the largest prison system in the world.

By the hundreds of thousands, this nation's poor have become this nation's homeless; filling up our subways, our sidewalks and our parks. Businesses and private citizens alike feel affronted and confronted by these ghosts of the streets. In an effort to "sweep them away" they have been stripped of their individuality and left faceless. In an effort to dehumanize these, the poorest of our citizens, they have been labeled "the homeless," "SRI's" (service resistant individuals) and "transients". They have been labeled "transient" even though study after study has shown that up to 80% of these people are homeless to their location and have been there for up to seven years on average. They have been labeled "service resistant" although the services they require are painfully scarce and woefully inadequate.

These people have been stripped of their identity much the way Hitler stripped and labeled the Jews and supplanted their faces with the Star of David on their shirts and dresses. These citizens have been broad bushed as artful and cavalier beggars and described by our elected leaders as the dregs of society and touted as a danger to the very underpinnings of our social structure and safety. In this regard, these elected "representatives" have set the tone for not only psychological abuse but also physical abuse that has been meted upon this populace. Documented case after case of grotesque incidents have now been recorded. On the basis of being homeless, persons have been targeted by citizens and the police alike. No longer satisfied with just "sweeping" the homeless from urban areas and issuing tickets for sleeping in very public areas, the local police have gone well outside of heavily populated public urban areas and into the woods using dogs and charging in on horseback. They are searching out homeless camps and using bulldozers to destroy their belongings and make-shift homes. Women have been targeted and raped. One such woman was Linda Kay Bright, a homeless woman with a heart of gold who lived in Austin for eight years. Targeted as a homeless person, she was beaten senseless and then as she lay there writhing in pain, with blood gushing from her slashed throat, was repeatedly raped.

Many homeless persons have been set on fire and left for dead. One such person was David Davila who for the offense of asking someone for a cigarette was kicked and beaten senseless. The two assailants then left, went to a convenience store where they purchased a can of lighter fluid, returned to Mr. Davila and proceeded to set him on fire. He was consumed in flames, suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns on over 80% of his body. David has survived but only after enduring two years of painful skin grafts. Homeless persons have been urinated upon and smeared with feces such as my friend John. They have been bludgeoned while sleeping and pummeled and stomped while unconscious as occurred when two university students jumped from a car and proceeded to flail on two sleeping homeless individuals with a 2 by 4. And, now laws have been uniquely designed targeting their condition. These laws are being selectively enforced against them including no camping, no sleeping, no loitering, no sitting... all because they have found themselves at the bottom of the economic barrel. Special courts are now being devised against them called Community Courts where homeless persons will be tried for their crimes of poverty.

A San Antonio police officer, Onofre Serna, was awarded $500,000 in federal court for being forced to "cleanse the downtown area of homeless persons in the interest of tourism." Eleven officers testified supporting his assertions. Three other officers are preparing their own similar lawsuits. The action was first brought in 1995 and continues today.

And make no mistake, they won't escape. Not the poor black man, the poor white, the poor hispanic or even the poor children. In the 1970's, a person could work forty hours at minimum wage and get a cheap apartment, but no more. It is now recognized that the federal minimum wage is insufficient to secure even an efficiency apartment and to get off the streets almost anywhere in America. But no matter how hard they work, they can no longer work themselves off the streets of America.

And even in Austin, Los Angles, Atlanta, these former family members are dying at a record rate of at least two persons per month...two individuals a month. In 1998, the tally in Austin, Texas alone reached forty persons!!! The cleansing has begun.

But when it's all over, there will be a day of reckoning...a tribunal. Be this tribunal public or, if we only face our own individual trials, we will find ourselves being held accountable for our actions. We will be judged for our actions... either our active participation, or for just standing by and allowing this to happen.

HTH now calls for the repeal of all no-camping ordinances. The promise made when the ordinances and laws were passed were that they would just be temporary and that the laws would be part of a much larger solution. However, the solution has not materialized or been funded. We say repeal the no-camping ordinances and allow some other solution to be forced into existence. For example, by paying a fair Universal Living Wage, a true free market will allow many of our nation's homeless to access housing in the private housing sector. We say stop the economic cleansing whether it is intentional or just the natural progressive result of all these separate actions.

The National Coalition for the Homeless is now working with the United States Attorney Generals' office to chronicle the atrocities committed against our homeless citizens. Furthermore, the National Coalition for the Homeless has passed a Protected Class Resolution outlining the civil rights abuses and hate crimes committed against these persons. NCH is calling for persons that are earning at 100% of Federal Poverty Guidelines or less, to be constituted as the Indigent Homeless Population and to come under the umbrella of a Protected Class.

It is time to: stop the Economic Cleansing, repeal all laws targeting our poorest citizens, pass a Universal Living Wage (indexed to the cost of housing) and pass the Protected Class Resolution for our nation's homeless citizens.

Signed, Richard Troxell President-

House The Homeless, Inc. Austin, TX

Board Member of the National Coalition for the Homeless, Washington D.C.

Friday, August 13, 2010 of Aug. 12, 2010.

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texas>< madman><

 grand>< duke>< of the><

Rider of the>< Rails


If you can't Live the>< Life

Get the>< Book


Contact the><
texas>< madman><


View From A Boxcar

This book available for

$15.00 plus $3.50 shipping

Contact TTMM for availability

NOTE FROM texas>< madman><:

the>< texas>< madman>< is temporarily Out of Service. texas><

madman>< attributes his misfortune to the>< heightened alert status of the><
police following the>< terrorist attacks in New York.


Just as Jack London wrote a book
on his life in a NY prison, madman>< will be writing his own ìTrials and
Tribulationsî of Jail life.



Rail Tales/Contents




Itís Time To Go

Hello Americans


the>< Chicago Belt Line

Twas the>< Month Before Christmas

Mistaken Identity

How to live on $15.00 a week


Yes Little Darling

Oí Malley First Train

A Quick Lunch

My Last Westbound

Long Distance Rider


Making a Nighttime Run

the>< Midnight Mail

Rolling thru Americas Backyard

Here's To you

Sitting In An Empty

the>< California Zephyr


the>< Boogie Man

Time flies in the>< summer

the>< Crying Rose

the>< Northbound

United in death and a new life


the>< Wendigo

Conrad's Guest

Hobo Terms


Rail yard and Train Riding Animals

Springtime Moving

Get rid of the>< bum


March of the>< titans

I asked God

Running around in circles


O Shaughnessy

the>< Phantom Drag

the>< Letter

Rainy Days

the>< U.P. Overland Route

Shall we gathe><r at the>< river

the>< In between times

the>< hobos>< Last Ride

What the>< Wind Said

Time Traveling

What is a Hobo




the>< pleasure and admiration for the>< mass arts,
in reaction, creates an appetite for a kind of art that is personal and
individual in scale. POETRY is inherently individual, It Is A Voice. We
donít have a single unfolding folk culture the>< way a more homogeneous country
might have. No traditional aristocratic class as a hereditary curator,
so the>< love of an art like poetry has no social props, and is somewhat
invisible. Poetry slows us down, makes us think, and touches our hearts,
in relation folk stories also touch a deep nerve that many of us try to
bury. It is my sincere hope that all the>< Poetry, Folk stories, Humor, Trivia,
Glossary of Hobo Terms, and Social Comments enclosed here may give touching,
entertaining, and inspirational help to the>< reader. If not, well you arenít

the>< only one to read the><se pages, or buy this book. And if I only inspire
one person in the>< whole wide world with what I have written here, the><n
all of my years have been worth living, and writing about!


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Autobiography of a Tramp, | Dashboard | My Account | Help | Sign out

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The Page Begins Here

Excerpts from "The Autobiography of a Tramp," by John (Jack) Lewis Everson (1873-1945), Chapter 14 - Reflections on the wondrous world of Trampdom.

In this chapter is he talking about A-No.1? Or is he talking about the Josiah Flynt, Jim Tully, or someone else? You be the judge? Let me know what you think?

Excerpts from "The Autobiography of a Tramp," by John (Jack) Lewis Everson (1873-1945), Chapter 14 - Reflections on the wondrous world of Trampdom.
Before writing finis to this tale of my life, I desire to supplement what has gone before with a few observations on the habits and customs of tramps, and to comment briefly on one or two other matters.

One writer in particular amused me when I read his book relating his experiences in Trampdom. The writer is a distinguished author in other fields, and styles himself "A Tramp Royal." In his book, presumably written in serious vein, he writes in great detail of his life on the road and gives word-for-word accounts of his conversations with various people. What a prodigious memory he must have had! He devotes more than five thousand words to an account of how he outwitted the entire crew of a passenger train--five men--by methods even the dullest-minded of tramps would scorn to use. He tells of running time after time, at station after station, from the front of the train to a point ahead of the engine, where he boarded the blind baggage each time after the shack had of necessity dropped off to catch a coach further back. Even the veriest tyro among tramps, when he finds that the shacks have spotted him trying to ride the blind, knows enough to drop back to the middle of the train unseen, go into a coach, sit down and wait until the train is well under way. He then merely goes to the platform of the car, stands upon the handrail, and climbs to the deck, a comparatively easy feat for an experienced tramp. There is little likelihood that the conductor will spring the tramp in the second or third coach, for the cons start their round of collecting tickets in the first car. Should a shack pass through the car in which the tramp is sitting, it is unlikely that he will be discovered, for shacks rarely notice the passengers and they certainly don't stop in the performance of their duties to count noses. On several occasions when pulling this stunt, I have met shacks in the coaches or on the platforms and by simply meeting them face to face and walking past them as a passenger would do, I have gained my ends. Shacks rarely get close enough to the tramp they are trying to outwit to be able to recognize him even in a brightly lighted coach. The tramp sees to that, for he seldom is out in the lighted spaces where he can be seen and identified.

When a tramp finds he can't ride the blind, he has another ace in the hole besides "swinging under". As the train pulls out, he gets onto the lower step of the front end of a coach, and with both hands clinging to the step handles nearest to the body of the coach he swings his body out of sight alongside the coach until he thinks the way is clear, and then hits the deck. Should a shack pass from one coach to another while the tramp is clinging to the step handle the tramp will not likely be discovered, for the shack is too intent on keeping his hips from being bruised by the handrails as the cars lurch from side to side. Should he be discovered, however, he is in a precarious position, for the shack can kick at him. In that event, the knowing tramp quickly swings himself forward, grabs the step handles of the forward car, and is up and onto the platform before the shack realizes what is happening. They are then on an equal footing, where they can fight it out if necessary. The tramp's chief stock in trade is a nimble wit.

In passing, I will add that shacks are seldom so zealous in keeping tramps off trains that they will risk being injured or killed while doing so. Before the advent of air brakes, shacks carried "Paddy-sticks" (usually sledgehammer handles), which they used to obtain leverage when tightening brakes, or for lifting coupling links into the best position for effective coupling of the cars. The paddy-stick also served as a formidable weapon, but since the advent of air brakes and automatic couplers they are no longer used. Shacks knew that some of their passengers were desperate characters, and when a tramp displayed unusual determination to ride, the wiser shacks let him alone.

But to return to our self-styled "Tramp Royal"-- at one place in his story he tells how tramps on the rods are sometimes killed when the shack lowers a coupling pin, with ball cord attached, between the ends of two cars, and manipulates it in such a manner that it will bounce up and knock the tramp off the rods - this while the train is rolling sixty miles an hour. One infers that the practice of doing so was not unusual on what he terms "bad roads". That story might serve to dissuade a six-year-old child from becoming a tramp, but the absurdity of it should be patent to any thinking person, and I surely cannot be the first to point it out.

To begin with, if a ten- to fifteen-pound coupling pin were used in the manner described, from a train traveling "sixty miles" per hour the strain on the free end of the ball cord would be sufficient either to break the cord or tear it out of the shack's hands -- unless he were foolish enough to wrap it around them, in which case his hands would be broken. One must also consider that on one of its rebounds, the pin will sooner or later lodge momentarily between two ties. The force of the resulting pull on the cord would make the cord holder wish he'd never been born. Further, what is to prevent the coupling pin from lodging under one of the wheels? Nothing. And if it did so, there would be grave danger of derailing at least the rear end of the train, for once a wheel flange is lifted to or above the top of a rail, the least sidesway of the trucks, or the swing of a curve in the rails, would be sufficient to derail the train. Shacks have too much regard for their own lives to attempt anything so foolhardy. Besides, they would be discharged immediately if such a practice were known to their superiors. The whole story is a libel on shacks and a reflection on the intelligence of anybody who reads and believes it.

In another part of this author's tale, he tells how one can get away from anybody who grabs one by the coat collar in such a manner that the grabber's hand or fingers are between the collar and one's body. All one has to do is to twist one's body repeatedly under the grasper's arm, whereupon ". . . the blood will be bursting out of his finger ends, the delicate tendons will be rupturing, and all the muscles and nerves will be mashing and crushing together in a shrieking mess." His method is based on the principle of a tourniquet, but he neglects to tell us that in the meantime hiw own larynx will be flatter than a pancake, his jugular vein will be so surprised it will forget to function, and long before the grabber's hand begins to bleed, the grabee will be unconscious. Another thing he forgot to mention was where in hell he buys his coats, with their superlative buttons and buttonholes. I would like to own one.

At yet another point this author writes that he spent "two weeks" in Washington, D. C., "trying to beg a pair of shoes" without success. Even a gaycat could do better than that; and what tramp would be so wasteful of his precious time, when he would know that all he had to do was to beg a shoestore for a pair of the half-worn shoes that so many customers leave behind when buying new ones? Or, the tramp would stand outside a well-patronized shoestore and mooch for shoes from those men who emerge from the store wearing new shoes and carrying their old ones in a neatly wrapped shoebox. One such might even be so philanthropically minded as to take the tramp into the store and buy him a new pair. It has happened. Failing that, all a tramp would have to do would be to mooch a few homes, where in the closets of most of them one or more pairs of old shoes have been thrown merely because the tenants were too busy to carry them out to the trash can. What a "Tramp Royal" he proved to be!

I can't resist recording this one, where this writer says he walked "forty miles" and " interviewed the housewives of a thousand homes" -- all within a space of "ten" (count them) hours. That works out to an interview every thirty- seven seconds. What a man!

I have not exposed the preposterous nature of the above author's fairy tales because of any "holier than thou" complex, but merely to show that the best and worst of human beings sometimes swindle the public by selling phoney things of one kind or another, and to affirm that the man who once said "all men are liars" knew what he was talking about.

In my recent reading of what are presumed to be true accounts of tramp life, written by men who for one reason or another claim to have taken up tramping for a time, I have failed to find a word regarding this ever-present danger of rod-riding to the inexperienced hobo. Real tramps seldom ride the rods, and I venture to say that ninety-five per cent of those whose dismembered bodies are found scattered along the railroad's right of way are hoboes or gaycats who have fallen from the rods; and of the remaining five per cent, most are in the same category and took long chances in boarding a train, or fell from the bumpers when drunk. A few of all classes get killed at times when a train is derailed, but so do members of the crew and a few passengers. The proper way to ride the rods was one of the first things Curly taught me, and when I saw the gaycat showing his companion the rods of a coach I warned him of the rear-rod danger. I almost laughed when I read one of the foregoing authors' comments to the effect that railroad officials complain bitterly of being obliged by law to bury the bodies of the victims of their own mantraps.

The Complete Work: "The Autobiography of a Tramp," by John (Jack) Lewis Everson (1873-1945).

Delete It

HOBO hobo HOBO arkansas MONSTER

Hoboing 60s

HOBOING-1960S-- These photos were taken when I was in high school and college. In high school we created a “railroad club” which was promptly removed from the list of officially sanctioned school clubs after we held out first slideshow, using some of these slides. Of course I was considerably younger and more foolish at that time, and these photos are merely offered here as historical documents. It seemed for example, that the yard bulls practically helped you into your boxcar in those days. Riding freight trains is not only illegal, but it can be dangerous for those who are not familiar with trains and their associated dangers. For those who want to learn more, check out my list of hobo books (annotated even!). Also, here are a some websites related to hoboing:


What happened? Why did God Choose...

When the Torah was given 1.5 million Egyptians left with Moses -- monotheists no doubt
bullet Perhaps Egyptian believers in a one god concept derived from Tutankhamen's father Iknaton
bullet He was the first monotheist -- believing and imposing Aton as an only god
bullet He was punished by the priests after death and his ways and marks were eradicated and expunged from all temples, buildings, obelisks, and monuments
bullet Why should other life forms out in the universe want to visit such a wretched creature's turf?
bullet How come he human animal -- if you can call us that -- kills off people whose ideas it fears?
bullet Man fears the unknown and therefore needs to invent gods to make the fears and insecurities bearable
bullet There is no question that what Aristotle called a 'prime mover' has to exist because there is too much beauty and symmetry in creation for it all to be an accident
bullet The old question posed to Darwinists is: if we come from monkeys how come they are still here?
bullet If creation happens in stages of survival of the fittest how can bees have a queen, drones, worker bees? Would they not have to be created ex nihilo in one fell swoop rather than in stages of development?
bullet In classical thought, Christianity alone, or more precisely, the Judeo-Christian tradition, knows the notion of absolute creation
bullet Creatio ex nihilo (‘creation out of nothing’) is a dogma of the faith. God has not created starting from something, but starting with what is not, from ‘nothingness’. It is the work of the will of God, and therefore is not co-eternal with God (it has a beginning and will have an end).
Eve was not the first!
bullet Adam was created by God according to Genesis as an androgynous being half male and half female (the female half was Lilith -- a being as powerful as Adam in her own right -- who was his 'better half' as the saying goes)" . . . male and female created he them"
bullet Adam and Lilith were created covered in nails (as in fingernails)
bullet After the birth of Cain and Hevel (Abel) Adam went back to Lilith and created demons for 132 years until the birth of Seth.
bullet The 'true' or 'deep' knowledge is not readily available to the populace because the rabbis think the masses cannot handle it
bullet Eve did not eat any apple, it was her act of sexual union with the snake that got us into the mess we are in!
bullet Adam impregnated Eve and she gave birth to Cain and Hevel along with twin girls who married Hevel and a single girl that was born along with Cain who married him
bullet The question is this: why do the Christians and Muslims not honor the Hebrews as their older more knowledgeable brothers?
bullet How could they?!
bullet It would mean respecting the Hebrews!

If the world were run by women would we see war so readily?
bullet Are men inherently afraid of the female of the species?
bullet Who in reality is the 'weaker' sex?
bullet Does the fact that women are as goddesses creating life cause a deep seated desire in men to control
bullet Do men need to rule over women and use their larger physicality to take advantage of women?

* "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." - Karl Marx.
* "Religion is bunk" Thomas Alva Edison
* It is in fact a license to kill people and ideas from the beginning of time.

Those in power in any religion tend to support the landed gentry or the wealthy by whitewashing their cruelty towards other beings, people or animals.

* Just look into the way aborigines have been treated in the Americas.
* The movie "the Mission" paints a pretty accurate picture of the abuse heaped on aborigines, and subsequent massacre by the Spanish -- Portuguese alliance.
* Did God create the world as the only place in the universe with billions of solar systems as the only planet with life as the church the rabbis and muftis would have us believe?
* Is the church guilty of promulgating the dark ages by suppressing and killing off ideas and the people that wrought them?
o And the spirit of God hovered over the waters . . . Genesis -- Genesis.
o Some say that was the spirit of Jesus...
o I say that was the zenith of God's spiritual harmony and shall we say vibration?
* There has never been any evidence presented why the era of peace everlasting that the King has prepared for his feast failed to materialize after Jesus came and went.
* The rising from one amongst us is bound to happen as our past lives keep teaching us how stupid so called humanity is.

The Anointed one -- Mashiach -- has been here from the first moment of creation

* He lives inside you and me and one from amongst us will reveal how to be.
* How come we can't play together without claiming we our religion, faith or belief system is the best?
o Or the strongest? We can see with our own eyes what the muftis, ayatollahs and other Muslim leaders think about other ideas than the ones they believe in -- even within their own Muslim faith!
* If Jesus came along today to criticize the church, he would be killed all over again by the institution that invented the dark ages.

Poor Bruno, the inquisitors hung him naked, upside down with his tongue incapacitated and burned him alive for saying there could be life in other planets. The man invented mnemonics hundreds of years ahead of his day! He is a martyr who was not just a religious sectarian, caught up in the psychology of some mob hysteria. He was a sensitive, imaginative poet, fired with the enthusiasm of a larger vision of a larger universe ... and he fell into the error of heretical belief. For this poet's vision he was kept in a dark dungeon for eight years and then taken out to a blazing market place hung upside down, naked with his tongue incapacitated and roasted to death by fire.

* How many Jews were tortured, robbed of their possessions, hung, burnt alive, branded witches?
* How many Jews were burned alive in front of their children and their offspring told: "Convert or this will happen to you"!
* Leave it to the church to kill off any possibility of independent thought in the name of the love of Jesus. What a farce!
* Today we learn about the crimes committed by degenerate so called celibate priests who when sexually aroused see fit to abuse young boys, women who come for spiritual support in times of trouble and ... at times girls
* Yes it was the church that promulgated the dark ages murdering and torturing anyone that opposed their way of thinking.

Wagons filled with torture machinery roamed Europe for hundreds of years instilling fear in anyone daring to think differently than the warped church leadership, enforcing their dogma with their terror tactics!

What a spiritual endeavor the inquisition was! The world hates Jews because no matter how much you torture them and rob them of their property they rise again. Being called chosen in the Bible does not help much!

Ounces to Grams conversions
Enter Ounces

Value in Grams
provided by metric conversions

Originally Popes had children and were not celibate.

The Church waged wars and ran governments by using fear and terror to enforce its dictum.

The Friday the 13th massacre of Templars by the King of France and the Pope (at the behest of the King of France) was a move to steal their fortunes.

Why would the Pope kill his own elite guards?

For money and power. The kingdom of France and the Pope were out to steal the Templar's fortunes.

The dome of the Rock was NOT built on top of the old Temple site. There was a deliberate conspiracy to deceive Muslims to believe it was in fact the site!

How come everyone hates Jews?

How come Jews make it in any profession, in any land, under severe oppression?

The word Ghetto was coined in Italy after effectively quaranteeing all Jews in a walled sub city.

AMERICA worster 4th. REICH

Fix the planet!
What we do
People who take the cake
Opiate of the Peoples
Christianity & Islam
Married Popes
Cradle of Hate
Recent Anti-Semitism
Jewish Expulsions
Muslim Genius
Inhuman Race
Submit Comments

Anti-Semitic Remarks From 2001 and on excerpt from:
bullet The poet Tom Paulin wants Jewish settlers shot dead as Nazis.
bullet The French Ambassador in London condemns Israel as "a small shitty country".
bullet The writer A. N. Wilson compares the rather slight damage to the Church of the Nativity to the destruction of the Buddhas at Bamyian.
bullet The Portuguese Nobel laureate Jose Saramago compares events in the Palestinian Territories with Auschwitz.
bullet The Vatican's Osservatore Romano speaks of 'Israel's aggression turning into extermination'

(New York Times, 4 August 2002)


Professor Mona Baker, fresh from her own goal in firing two liberal Israelis from her editorial board, describes Israeli operations as 'some kind of holocaust' and 'beyond just war crimes'

(Sunday Telegraph, 7 July 2002)

* Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Talas made such remarks as: 'I want to stand in one place and kill the Jew standing before me.

If every Arab kills a Jew, there won't be any Jews left at all.

We will fight like the Hizballah fights against them in South Lebanon.

From the Golan Front, of course - from any front where they (the Jews) are situated'.
* On 21 March, the director-general of the Syrian News Agency wrote in 'Tishrin-Internet' that the world understands that the Holocaust against the Jews is composed mostly of lies and exaggerated descriptions, in order to conceal the truth regarding Israel's criminal acts against the Arabs.
* In a commentary broadcast over 'Radio Damascus' on 7 May, a personal attack was made on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: 'It is apparent that all signs point to the fact that Sharon has stepped into Hitler's shoes and has begun to commit the ugliest crimes'.
* On 7 May, the editor of the 'Tishrin' newspaper dedicated a long detailed editorial to theological support for the hatred of Israel. According to him, from a survey of the laws and the religious laws in Jewish history, he learned that racism in itself became a sacred religious belief and the central component of the Jews' daily, moral and political behavior.
o The commentator maintains that the aim of the Jews, even from the time of Judah, was to cause bloodshed.
o This is exactly what the Zionist occupation forces have been implementing against the Palestinian Arab nation, even before the establishment of the thieving entity in 1948, in the form of:
+ unceasing massacres
+ killing
+ shedding of innocent blood
+ burning and destroying homes
+ mass expulsion of Arab residents accompanied by bombing and destruction
+ uprooting trees and slaughtering infants, who are the purest of creation
+ showing no mercy, no compassion nor any moral or human scruples.

Articles from the Egyptian Press

On 6 March, 'Al-Gomhouriya' published the following in Kamel Zuheiri's column: 'Like Nazism, Zionism adopted the racist theories that there are both chosen and inferior races in the world'.

* On 14 March, the philosopher Mahmud Amin Al-Aalem granted an interview to the 'Al-Ahali' newspaper in which he said that
o 'we confront a new Nazism which seriously threatens humanity.
o It is therefore our task at this critical moment to destroy the Zionist plan
+ and the Zionist attitude based on legend
+ since this is the mentality that rejects the other person
+ accuses the other person of heresy and has disdain for all humane and cultural values'.

Now can you tell as the reader what is wrong with these degenerates?

Are they talking about their demented crazed Islamofascism or what?

Have you ever heard more lying and twisting of facts EVER?

* The whole world must unite against this Nazi orientation and all over the world groups must rise against the Zionist movement and new Nazism.
* 'Al-Akbar Internet' published a Holocaust denial article on 13 April in which the author denounced the 'insane ceremonies' held in Israel to mark what it called 'Holocaust Day'.
* The author emphasized that 'in preparation for the ceremonies held to celebrate this day, the Israeli teacher tells his pupils fictitious stories about the murder of Jews in crematoria and the Israeli media gives detailed descriptions of these crematoria'.
* According to the author, 'the Zionists invented the matter of the crematoria in order to extort the world, especially Germany'…
o 'even though the Holocaust is only a myth and historians throughout the world have refuted Israeli claims in this regard and have proven that it is a fabricated story and that the Nazi crematoria were actually used to burn the bodies of soldiers'.
* On 27 April, 'Akbar Asaa' published an article entitled, 'The New Nazism and Sharon's Concept of Absolute Power'.
o It maintained that there were no essential differences between Sharon and Hitler
+ that 'there were also no essential differences between Nazism and the great harm it caused and the massacres perpetrated by Zionism'.
* The opposition newspaper 'Al-Arabi', which opposes the Peace Process, gave a disgusting reception for Foreign Minister Shimon Peres when he visited Cairo in late April, when it published a huge picture of him in Nazi uniform with a swastika armband on the front page.
* The headline read in large red letters, 'The Nazi - the Butcher from Kafr Kana.
* In the 5 May edition of 'Al-Gomhouriya Internet', Kamel Zuheiri complains that 'Zionist propaganda denies the connection between Hitler and the Zionist movement.
* It even hides the connection between Hitler and the emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine', and that 'historical facts prove the existence of ties between Nazism and Zionism.
* Israel denies these facts, however, because it understandably prefers to forget them'.

In 'Al-Ahram' in February, 2001 Anis Mansour, one of the prominent publicists in the Egyptian establishment press and member of the Shura Council and the Supreme Council for the Press, published that:

* 'in the future it will become clear to the world that there was justification for what happened to the Jews of Germany, Poland and Russia.
* It is not true that all the Jews are peaceful people.
* There is among them a group of suicidal persons who do not want to live and arouse the hatred and antagonism of people.

As a result people turn against them.

* Despite the very many clever people among them

they use their wisdom to generate new types of hatred and groupings against them everywhere

The feeling of superiority prevails among the Jewish people and they do not bend their heads so that they may live …

they rather prefer to appear behind the 'wheels' of the U.S. and Europe

while continuing to arouse sympathy'.

All this diatribe and vitriol can only be deemed abject lack of grey matter on the part of these parasitic ne'er do well countries who are abusing the Planet since 1973 when they began raping our economies, what we need here is a President such as Truman to drop one on them and restore the balance of trade to the world. Try as we may, the Islamofascists will never stop hating us all, American, Jew, European -- in short, anyone that is not an ignoramus terrorist like them.

We suffer in the United States while they burn money?! The time must come to end this madness!
Fix the planet!
What we do
People who take the cake
Opiate of the Peoples
Christianity & Islam
Married Popes
Cradle of Hate
Recent Anti-Semitism
Jewish Expulsions
Muslim Genius
Inhuman Race
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For eons non Jews believe that if you eradicate Jews, all will be well!

Israel's Peculiar Position...

by Eric Hoffer (LA Times 5/26/68)

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem.

Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it, Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese-and no one says a word about refugees.

But in the case of Israel the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.

Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world. Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed.

Had Nasser triumphed last June [1967] he would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews. No commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is written on. There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two Blacks are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one remonstrated with him.

The Swedes, who are ready to break off diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore, and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway. The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources.

Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened last summer [1967] had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the West in general. I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us.

Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon us.
bullet Hoffer was a longshoreman who turned into a philosopher, wrote columns for newspapers and some books.
bullet He was a non-Jewish American social philosopher who was born in 1902 and died in 1983, after writing nine books and winning the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
bullet His first book, The True Believer, published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic. He taught at U.C.L.A.

Year . . . . . . . . . . Place

250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carthage
415 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alexandria
554 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diocese of Clement (France)
561 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diocese of Uzzes (France)
612 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Visigoth Spain
642 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Visigoth Empire
855 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Italy
876 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sens
1012 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1182 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1182 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Germany
1276 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upper Bavaria
1290 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - England
1306 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1322 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France (again)
1348 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Switzerland
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hielbronn (Germany)
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Saxony
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1360 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1370 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Belgium
1380 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slovakia
1388 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strasbourg
1394 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Germany
1394 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1420 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lyons
1421 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Austria
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fribourg
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zurich
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cologne
1432 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Savoy
1438 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1439 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Augsburg
1442 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1444 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1446 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria
1453 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1453 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Breslau
1454 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurzburg
1462 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1483 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1484 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warsaw
1485 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vincenza (Italy)
1492 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spain
1492 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Italy
1495 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lithuania
1496 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1496 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Portugal
1498 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuremberg
1498 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Navarre
1510 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenberg
1510 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prussia
1514 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strasbourg
1515 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Genoa
1519 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Regensburg
1533 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1541 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1542 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague & Bohemia
1550 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Genoa
1551 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria
1555 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pesaro
1557 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague
1559 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Austria
1561 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague
1567 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurzburg
1569 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Papal States
1571 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenburg
1582 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1582 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1593 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenburg, Austria
1597 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
1614 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frankfort
1615 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Worms
1619 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kiev
1648 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ukraine
1648 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Poland
1649 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hamburg
1654 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Little Russia (Beylorus)
1656 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lithuania
1669 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oran (North Africa)
1669 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vienna
1670 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vienna
1712 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandomir
1727 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russia
1738 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurtemburg
1740 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Little Russia (Beylorus)
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague, Bohemia
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slovakia
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Livonia
1745 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moravia
1753 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kovad (Lithuania)
1761 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bordeaux
1772 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deported to Pale of Settlement (Poland/Russia)
1775 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warsaw
1789 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alcace
1804 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Villages in Russia
1808 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Villages & Countrysides (Russia)
1815 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lubeck & Bremen
1815 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
1820 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bremen
1843 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russian Border Austria & Prussia
1862 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction
1866 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Galatz, Romania
1880s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russia
1891 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moscow
1919 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
1938-45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nazi Controlled Areas
1948 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arab Countries

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